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Showing posts from February, 2012

The Cats Freedom

Today was the day. I let the Cats out.  I did let our Cats out and what did they do? run back inside at the slightest sound of a bird and were real scared cats. All they have done all day is step foot outside and then rush back in only to hide in the Kitchen Cupboard. Pixie and Dixie are now young ladies and are no longer Kittens. I know I need to let them go and let them learn their own lessons but it is so difficult.

I Had To Smile

I think it is great that Tidbury Green now has a web presence. Like Earlswood it is a small community that straddles borders. I noticed the notice boards in the later part of 2011 and Do you know whats great ? they are still intact and don't appear to need locking up. What did make me smile was the "Standing Orders" If that wasn't written by an ex HM Forces person I think I will eat my hat. What perplexes me is that Parish Councils  and all that they do is public information as a matter of course. So why you would have to ask permission to transmit a meeting in one way or another. That  slightly concerns me.  If the Government can have cameras and live  broadcasts so can our 1st tier of Local Organisations. Its all about accountability and responsibility. As for verbatim those Parish Clerks that can still do short hand will naturally record things verbatim. Those that can't will record and type what they remember. So the way I see it is if a...

Blog Spring Clean

Well its that time of year, I looked at my blog yesterday and decided it could do with a bit of a spring clean and a little bit of neatness. So could my house but  that's  been put on the back burner for the moment. I suspect it was the lovely sunshine and the clear sky that prompted me to have a change around. The method behind my madness is that all things official are on the left hand side and top tabs and all things of interest and social media type things are on the right and in the middle is my ramblings and musings.  As I tinkered with the blog, I once again couldn't get over the amount of freely available tools and web applications that are out there. It is a wonder that anyone pays for anything web orientated any more. With a bit of time and interest it is all out there ready to be used by the likes of you and I. I suppose once you get over the snobbery of having someone else's logo or name your on your way. Remind me to provide a list of tried and t...

Earlswood Nurseries

Recently Earlswood Nurseries tweeted how you would improve EN. I am some what resistant in answering the question, However if you don’t like the answer the question shouldn’t have been asked in the first place. As a Local I hate the prison type fencing and only hope you will use it to your advantage and grow a few seasonal creepy type plants up it to hide the Prison look. Please can you stock Felix cat food especially the Fishy Flakes one as the Kittens/Cats hate Whiskers of any description to the point of not eating it even if hungry. BTW  the solar powered lights I purchased last year are great and recharge “as long as there is sunshine” They work a treat at this time of year! 

Déjà vu

As I start to update my blog and give it a makeover. I realise something about myself. I hate things being out of date or incorrect it really irritates me. Once again the 3rd year running I am trying to promote Parish Council Meetings make dates of meetings available to my small audience and once again I am presented with the 2011 meeting dates not 2012 last year it was 2010 not 2011 and the year before 2009 not 2010. I have to say I am fed up of being discrete and giving gentle reminders. I only hope when the new PC website is created such a simple basic thing will be up to date. 

Police Message (New)

Police Message Burglary Dwelling Inc 166 20/02/2012 Poolhead Lane Tanworth, at around 1430hrs the owners returned home to see a male described as white, wearing jeans and a blue woollen hat approx 5'8" exiting the house and running towards a small white van parked further down the road. Entry had been gained by smashing a double glazed unit at the rear of the property. It is believed that a small amount of jewellery has been taken. Inc 230 21/02/2012 Danzey Green Tanworth in Arden, between 0845-1600, entry gained via rear door, no damage reported at present, offenders have made a tidy search of the house. At present it is unknown if any items taken. There was also burglaries in Wootton Wawen and Claverdon where a small white van has been seen in the vicinity. Details of this van were obtained by a vigilant neighbour and these details are being investigated. If anybody has any information please call 101 and quote the inc number. Calls can be made anonymously to CrimeStoppers...

A Few Thoughts

Today for one reason and another I have done a breakdown of Regions and counties with in the UK . All was going swimmingly well and Regions well defined East and West Midlands were clearly defined Yorkshire and Humberside were clearly defined The North East and North West clearly defined The south East and South West were clearly defined. Why is it! London nicks a bit of East Anglia South East It seems to me anything that borders on London becomes London

Parish Report January 2012

Parish Magazine Report from January 2012 The Parish Council met on Thursday 19th January at 19.30 hours in Tanworth Village Hall. Four members of the public were present. District Councillor Atkinson, District Councillor Oakley and County Councillor Perry were also present at the meeting. A member of the public from Alderhanger Lane addressed the Parish Council. She handed out maps to show where all the residents live in relation to the lay-by on the A435. She reported that although flooding does occur the locals know which roads to use to get through. She questioned how the Parish Council had reached the decision to support keeping the lay-by open. She said that people in Blind Lane have seen the sexual activity and have stopped walking their dogs in that area. A member of the public then questioned what the Parish Council’s position is regarding undertaking a Housing Needs Survey. He had attended the Earlswood Residents’ Association’s meeting and wanted to know what the fu...

A Few Thoughts

What a shame about Whitney Houston. I just don't understand why such talented people who reach fame and fortune appear to hit the self destruct button.  Obviously the cause of Whitney Houstons death has not been revealed as of yet but I was thinking of the last few troubled years where she was reported has having addictions of one sort of another. What causes these people to do this type of thing? The world is their oyster they can do anything they like. They don't even need to perform if they don't want to. Perhaps it is just that they have nothing else to achieve and are just bored stupid. You never know it may be something just as simple as the viewing public have an unrealistic perception of a young talented singer and actress and have an expectation that the real person is the one portrayed in the film "Body Guard" when in actual fact it may be the furthest thing from the truth.  The stress of keeping up an expected persona must be incredible. Can you im...

Attempted Theft Forshaw Heath

My goodness me will they stop at nothing! Last night thieves attempted to steal a gate off a field in Forshaw Heath Road . Apparently they left it behind having been disturbed. It was a metal gate so no doubt it was destined for the scrap heap in the sky. 

Mini Monsters 2012

It’s nearly time to let the Mini Monsters out to face the big wide world and have some outside adventures they are almost 6 months old and other than the odd visit to the vets have known nothing different to being inside. Primarily because they are female cats and I didn’t want them out before they had been spayed and I didn’t want them spayed ridiculously early I am so nervous about letting them out. Dixie is memorised by the snow. Pixie just wants to be warm and be comfortable. Looking at some of the photos I should have just called them Ying and Yang they are total opposites but not! if that makes any sense, Shy, Nervous but adventurous and then Confident, chilled out and anything but adventurous. My Mini Monsters are growing fast

No Business Like Snow Business

I must admit I am somewhat perplexed as to the constant weather warnings. It seems to me that the news seems to think if they say it often enough we will believe the snow is bad. As my Dad said when he wakes up to more than 1 foot of snow he might start to get concerned I love the snow and am somewhat disappointed with the latest snow fall. It’s nothing compared to what I remember as a child. Is it me or have we been slowly unconditioned to cope with such weather. OK so yes parts of the country got caught out last year and were totally unprepared. Then again perhaps the severity wasn’t reported as vigorously as our few cm of snow on Saturday. Yesterday I went to my local Tescos to do a bit of weekend shopping I was totally taken a back by the lack of food on the shelves and not a flake of snow had fallen at that point. The more cynical side of me wouldn’t be at all surprised if the beefing up of the snow reports was a cunning plan to get everyone into the shops stripping the shelve...

Police Message (New)

Police Message Burglary Dwelling Tanworth in Arden Inc 300 31/01/2012 Burglary dwelling at Arden Leys Tanworth in Arden. between 0645-1840hrs offenders have forced entry to a upvc door causing considerable damage. Once inside they have used keys inside to gain access to patio doors and entry to main parts of the property. Offenders have used owners own tools to remove TV from the wall, and have also taken computers and other electronic equipment and jewellery. Spare keys for the owners vehicles have also been taken in the theft. It is likely these items would have been loaded into a vehicle either on Arden Leys or on Broad Lane. Also @midnight on Tuesday morning an offender was caught on camera entering an insecure vehicle on Forshaw Heath Lane Earlswood, offender is also witnessed checking other vehicles on the driveway, on seeing they were secured offender moves on. A search of the car was conducted including in the boot, and a quantity of money removed. On the same n...