Welcome to the new look blog. To be honest it really isn't a lot different from my other blog. There is a story behind changing blogging platforms and it is simple. Blogspot has served me well for over ten years and to be honest with you I would have quite happily stayed put had I done my homework before deciding to host my own website. Honestly the only reason I have moved to Wordpress is because my domain hosts made it easy for me to do so. I am loving the plugins Wordpress has freely available. The theme I have choosen is simple, once again it is black and white. You may or may not notice I try to find freely available tools and see how best they serve my purpose. I do actually want to move forwards with this blog and make it a little more interactive. Perhaps by exploring Youtube, Podcasts, Text to Speech and Speech to Text, Video editing software. You may be asking now, Hey! what has that go to do with the local community? That is also simple. This time ten years ago our lo...
Quietly Pondering & Watching The World Go By Or Not As The Case May Be!!!